Sunday, May 6, 2012

Mother nature....

Even as a little girl I've loved being outside. While I must admit, I enjoy nice weather better than cold. If the temperature is around 30° or above I'm good. I have blogged before about "going down south" camping. My husband and I have gone down several times recently. We have enjoyed some beautiful snowfall, warm fall conditions and most recently an unusally brilliant spring day.

My husband works way to many hours at an entirely too physically demanding job. So when we got to the campground he decided to take a nap. I took the opportunity to go for a long hike/walk. There are horse trails everywhere with well worn trails. During the 45 minutes I was gone I enjoyed a lot of sun, saw many birds and critters and walked up on a Doe who never knew I was there. She had been drinking from a pond and when I saw her I froze. She flicked her tail, looked around and slowly walked off. It was exhilerating to witness her so calm going about her day.

Our weekend ended early the next day due to rain. But prior to that as we were leaving the campground to go to our hunting/hiking grounds our only exit was blocked by a fallen tree. We walked about 2 miles until we found an elderly gentleman brush hogging who had a chainsaw and gave us a ride back. He was a delightful man with smooth skin, bright blue eyes and told us he had lived in the area his whole life. When he asked where we were from he told us he used to play 6-on-6 football against our local team back in 1952 and '53. He also asked if we had been morel mushroom gathering, to which I replied "no", but he told me where we could go if we wanted to.  How I would have loved to talk with him longer.  After hubby cut up the tree to clear our path, we loaded the wood in his truck (as a thank you for his kindness -- he refused the money we offered) the rain began and we decided to head back home. So short lived break, but refreshing and we have a couple new stories. Looking forward to many many more fun times in the great outdoors.


Teresa said...


Amy Johnson said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful time.