Friday, November 7, 2008


OK, it's official. Me and the children have fallen off our apple cart! You never saw three people more excited over an egg!!! We have been waiting, checking and threatening to squeeze some chickens if they didn't start laying soon. We built them a beautiful new home "The Taj ma Chicken" complete with nesting boxes, roosting boards and as an after thought put an old drawer on the floor for the ducks to sleep in. Guess where our first egg showed up...yep the drawer. If your wondering about the color, yes it is green. We have a couple chickens called Aracaunas and they lay green eggs. They vary from whitish-green to closer to a light teal color and I absolutely love them. The inside looks no different from a white or brown egg. But they certainly are a conversation piece. Hopefully I will have all fresh eggs for my holiday baking.

Thanks for stopping by and please feel free to pass my blog along to your friends...blogging certainly can be addicting, huh!


Darlene said...

Yippee ... eggs!! Okay who is the one who squeezed the chicken behind your back??? Great post ... love how you think & share!!

Dr M said...

Cool!!! Scrambled or Fried!!??